Friday, March 18, 2011

Signs of Spring

For an area of Washington that boasts more than 300 days a year of sunshine, February and March are the times we do get rain.  For the last couple of weeks we have been getting wave after wave of wet weather coming inland over the mountains. On my way to Mattawa a couple of days ago I saw the rain clouds hanging on the top of the mountains.It was an amazing sight although I don't think my phone camera caught it very well.

Even the miles of desert on both sides of the road have a twinge of green.  A sure sign of Spring!

Low clouds hug the top of the Rattlesnake mountains

On the return trip the clouds were clearing but still magnificent to see.

 A more colorful signs of Spring are the hyachinths, daffodills, and tulips that are begining to bud. Yesterday I couldn't resist taking a photo of the first daffodill blossoms. We also have rubbarb and bleeding heart sprouting and the lilacs have fat buds. Although I don't have any in our yard, they say the forsythia is beginning to bloom so it is time to prune the roses I didn't get to last fall.  Wonderful signs of Spring here in South Central Washington.

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